Call for tender

The Consortium for the Protection of Asiago Cheese, as Lead Proposing Organisation, in partnership with the Consorzio Speck Alto Adige and the Consorzio Vini DOC delle Venezie, announces (via publication in the Official Journal of the European Union GU/S 2022/S 204-580310) the launch of a call for tender by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, for an “Implementing Body” in charge of carrying out information and promotion activities within a three-year programme, which will be presented to the European Commission in compliance with the EU Regulation n.1144/2014-Call 2023. If approved, the activities shall be carried out in the following countries: USA, Canada and the UK.


For more information:

detailed description and requirements for participation in the call for tender, are available:

Please note that a corrigendum to the Notice of Tender No. 2022/S 204-580310 was published in the OJEU on 28 November 2022. The documents have therefore been updated according to the amendment (we anticipate, however, that the corrigendum does not concern technical aspects of the Tender, but only a change of date and place for the realisation of the Tender in relation to the evaluation of the proposals received)